XVI Copa del Rey Vela Clásica Menorca

On friday August 30st., Mahón holds the XVI Copa del Rey Vela Clásica Menorca. 

This year you can also sail on board of our yellow catamaran to follow the race. 

Price: 25 euros (Club Marítimo de Mahón members, free).

Departure at 12:45 from Club Marítimo de Mahón.

Arrival time around 17:15h.

Telf: 971365022

Email: oficina@clubmaritimomahon.com


Because of the race, Yellow Catamarans cancels the 13.00 and 14.30 trips to sail around the Harbour of Maó with historical commentary and underwater views.

Our timetable for this friday, August 30th, is as follows:

10.30 / 11.30 / 12.00 / 13.30 / 15.00 / 16.30




¡Don't miss it!
