Timetable High Season

High season timetable - harbour trips
15 June to 15 September: EVERY DAY
6 departures at 10.30 / 11.30 / 12.00 / 13.30 / 15.00 / 17.00 h
Monday to Saturday - every day
8 departures at 10.30 / 11.30 / 12.00 / 13.00 / 13.30 / 14.30 / 15.00 / 16.00 / 17.00 h
High season Timetable - Visit to Illa del Rei (King's Island)
Sundays: direct Transfer to the Illa del Rei: price: 7 €
First visit 8.45 h (back: 11.20 h)
Second visit: 10.45 h (back: 13.00 h)
Thursdays: Full harbour trip + visit to Illa del Rei (King's Island):
at 10.30 h (back: 13.00 h) Price: 18 € adults, 9 € children